Triumphing over tragedies is not common for many reasons. Partly because many of us accept tragedy as a final verdict. Something that cannot be changed. Many of us also find great shame and embarrassment in our tragedies. Therefore, these experiences are kept in silence and privacy. And regrettably when this is the case, we don’t have to deal with them.
Sports on the other hand, provides great life lessons on the public stage. There is no hiding the results. Because sports are played in the public arena, regardless of how big or small the crowd is.
the highs and lows are there for everyone to see. In sports there are clear results, winners and losers, opportunities to perform and be on stage, and therefore to be evaluated and judged. While performance in real life is not quite as clear cut or easy to evaluate as a game, a tournament or a season, we can still learn great lessons and improve our lives by looking at the stories and lessons available through sports and how athletes and teams move beyond tragedy to triumph.
This year’s NCAA Division I Men’s basketball championship tournament provides one such story. What’s unique about this year’s champion, the University of Virginia men’s basketball team, is that they did what no other team had done before, went from tragedy to triumph in a single year.
The 2019 version of Virginia’s basketball team triumphed with their first ever NCAA basketball championship. This came on the heels of 2018 when the unthinkable happened and they experienced the tragedy of being the first ever #1 seeded team to lose to a #16 seed team. If you know anything about college basketball, it is a real-life David and Goliath story, with Virginia playing the role of Goliath. A defeat that isn’t supposed to happen. A defeat that not only knocked them out of the championship tournament but humiliated the team in the process.
But this isn’t a story about defeat. It’s a story about triumph. About getting up when knocked down, owning your past, learning from it, and achieving what you are capable of. From ultimate tragedy to ultimate triumph in one year’s time. A story of refusing to be defined by a tragedy and pushing on to Triumph.
The Virginia basketball team could have chosen to sulk and wallow in their humiliating defeat. Many people do. For some it’s difficult to let failures go, to move on. Many of us treat a single event or set-back as a verdict, the fates telling us “it is meant to be, you can’t achieve what you really want”. We let the event define us. We become known as the person, group, or team that can’t get over the hump, can’t win the big one, can’t pull it off, can’t deliver or be counted on. You know the types, they have a reputation, a history that has been built one day, one event, one game at a time. People who allow their past to define their future. Just when they think they’re going to get over the hump the past comes back to greet them. You know these people, maybe you are one of them.
However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead, like the Virginia basketball team, you can choose to be different, to learn from your past, to correct mistakes, to improve in areas of weakness, to apply strengths in different ways and to use your past as motivation. That’s what the Virginia basketball team did, and you can too.
The first step is to recognize that failures and set-backs are a normal part of life. That many highly successful people have failed and it didn’t define them and failure doesn’t need to define you. It’s important to recognize that failure is okay, if we learn from it. We must get over the mind-set that failures and set-backs are permanent judgements on our value and abilities. Sometimes we unwittingly undermine our own success, because acting consistent with our past is easier, more comfortable and requires far less effort than making positive changes. Even though we wish we were different we subconsciously fall back to what we’ve always done. Afterall, once we’ve failed or underperformed, it’s easier to do it the next time and the time after that. We allow our past performance to define us by accepting the same behaviors of our past.
The alternative is to accept the outcomes of the past as learning opportunities to guide us in the future. It’s a completely different mindset on failures and set-backs and foreign to many of us. It’s not a mindset that comes naturally. Most of us must work at accepting our failures and learn from them. We need to ask ourselves, what did we do wrong that led to the unsuccessful outcome? What can we do differently next time? What did we learn and how are we growing from it? Can we seek the assistance of others and get their perspective? There are lessons in failures and success if we step back and reflect on them. For those that seek the lessons of our past there are great rewards.
Another important lesson the 2019 Virginia basketball team provides us is to use the past as motivation for the future. Motivation comes from many sources. Motivation from a loss or failure is as good as any. History is full of people that were motivated by failures.
Virginia used the critics, the questions, the haters as motivation to demonstrate what they were really made of and capable of. We can all have a bad day, a bad game, a bad paper, a bad (fill in the blank). Clearly Virginia did a year ago when they lost to the #16 seed. However, did that mean they weren’t a good basketball team? Only the Virginia basketball team could answer that and answer they did. Virginia didn’t allow the loss to define them or keep them stuck in the past. Instead, they used the loss as fuel to be more focused, to work on the small things, to take advantage of opportunities, to keep their chins up and persevere when things looked impossible.
So where are you? How do you take failures and set backs? Are you being defined by your past? Are you sabotaging yourself? None of us are perfect that’s for sure. Failures and setbacks do hurt, they’re difficult to overcome. Still, when life seems to be filled with more tragedies than triumphs, remind yourself:
- Failures and set-backs are normal events and need only be a part of your bigger story. Your choose how your story will be written, make that tragedy the pivotal turning point.
- Failures should be accepted as learning opportunities. All of us, including many of the most important figures in history, faced tragedies and learned to do a course correction and move on to triumph, you can too.
- Use failures and set-backs as motivation. There is nothing wrong in using a failure as motivation unless it is with malicious intent. Sometime its just the fuel we need to finally make that change.
Remind yourself of these bullets the next time you face the tragedy of a failure or a set-back. Remember, tragedies are common, positive responses to them are not and will help set you apart.