

Welcome to the Daily Leadership Academy, or DLA for short.  My name is Mike Sahr, DLA’s host and founder.  Thanks for checking out DLA, the leadership development site designed especially for young leaders.  DLA  provides daily doses of leadership instruction, practical content and real world application.  DLA benefits young leaders with increased sense of purpose, confidence and direction by providing: 

  • A guided step-by-step leadership model
  • Leadership fundamentals and insights to make them work for you. 
  • A concrete understanding of leadership and its purpose. 
  • A framework to organize, structure and guide your development
  • Leadership skills and professional etiquette to improve effectiveness
  • A leadership roadmap

Simple put, DLA is the mentor, instructor and guide I always wanted.  I hope DLA can be a resource for you. 

Who is a Young Leader?

I developed DLA with young leaders in mind, though anyone can benefit from joining DLA.  Why young leaders and who is a young leader?  There is no age or experience to qualify. A young 23 year old college grad in her first job is just as qualified as a 40 year old man with 20 years supervising people.  DLA is for any person serious about their leadership development, regardless of age, position, education, profession or experience leading people.  DLA teaches leadership fundamentals that serve as a solid foundation in the careers and lives for anyone willing to learn and grow.

Leadership Basics

Another reason I developed DLA with young leaders in mind is because I like to start from the beginning.  I’m a big believer in fundamentals, blocking and tackling, the basics, core principles, call them what you like.  I believe our complex world often calls for simple solutions.  And those simple solution more often than not take us back to the basics.  Most of the leadership problems I see are a result of leaders failing to recognize the simply blocking and tackling of leadership.  I have found this to be true with young leaders and experienced leaders alike.

Piecing It Together

Finally, DLA provides a framework for leaders to organize, structure and guide their development.  Why is this important?  If your like me you can get overwhelmed and frustrated with all the information out there on management, leadership, personal development, etc.  Figuring out how it fits together and what to focus can be discouraging.  Like any field of endeavor there are many disciplines, practices and techniques that are important to master but require a logical progression and flow.  Just as learning to walk before learning to run or learning addition and subtraction before moving on to multiplication and division, DLA helps you build a solid foundation by providing a framework and a progression to help you focus on first things first.

Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Its important to acknowledge the great thought leaders, authors, blogger, podcasters on whose work DLA is built.  You’re probably wondering who is this Mike Sahr guy, and why should I listen to him.  Good question.  How would you feel if you were following Drucker, Welch, Hill, Carnegy.  Or if you received wisdom from the Bible, Thoreough or Plato.  Or what if you were following Blanchard, Kovey, or Hyatt.  You see, DLA is a combination of the works of the greats in leadership, management and other fields combined with my experiences, personality and gifts.  I will always do my best to acknowledge those whose thoughts, ideas, and practices influenced my content.

One final thought on this topic.  I believe that  we are all a creation, magnificent works of art created for a purpose. So as a creation I further believe that we must have a creator. So while I give credit to the “greats”,  I give the ultimate acknowledgement and credit to the creator.  The greats have simply unearthed or uncovered the wisdom and truths placed in creation using their unique gifts received by the creator.  Because of this belief, I also believe that truths are truths and often show up in many different forms.

Welcome to the Daily Leadership Academy and to our community!

How To Get Started

The best way to get started . . .

More on the DLA Model

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More on Mike Sahr

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Daily leadership develoment for young leaders